Truth is virtually unknown these days...unfortunately the times prove that absolutes are unheard of by what we can see in the everyday. When I was in college about 15 yrs ago, my professor asked a room of 20 somethings and ME~an older returning student in my thirties IF we believed in a definite RIGHT and WRONG... .... .... ... ....
I was the only person to raise my hand. The other OLD DUDE student even, did not believe in absolute truths, only me. I honestly was surprised, but I shouldn't have been. Our society has carved away at truth for years and now we are reaping the benefits of our sowing!
Truth is fundamental and based on something. Without a solid foundation, TRUTH will not stand at all. When discussing marriage as the union of one man and one woman, I discussed the basis for this moral stand as well. What do we base truth and morality upon? Is it the ever changing desires and conscience of society? Remember that some current hymns were banned and considered bad when placed to popular alcohol drinking songs, but today are considered great religious standards reaching to touch many with their value. I well remember when fashion was an issue in the church~by God, you best not be caught DEAD in certain apparel, but today it's an OK what do base TRUTH upon?
The only thing that hasn't changed in 2K years is the Word of God. Since its penning and subsequent copying, God's Word has stood strong and the test of time! Listen, ALL law is based on some moral code. Where did we get ours? Folks all over can deny the Christian heritage of our nation, but just remember what law was established was founded upon the principals found in the Word of God. This is a well documented fact. All US Presidents have acknowledged God and the Bible. ALL except...
Let's remember our heritage of TRUTH and from where it comes. Truth's foundation is the Word. Let's pass It on...
Lady Graceful