Saturday, October 24, 2009


In the 1960's the peace symbol became popular as a way of protesting a war and promoting the idea of pacifism. Even the American President, Richard Nixon was photographed with his arms held high and his hands making the gesture. Peace is just a important today in our world as it has ever been. I am not protesting or even commenting on the military efforts today, but about the internal war that rages in our beings, our hearts, souls and minds.

Peace is something we all want. We desire peace. Peace is desirable. It brings satisfaction and security. But with inner conflict, peace isn't achieved while our inner self rages. Peace is only achieved as issues are laid to rest, problems dealt with and progress made. But how can we achieve peace?

Are we capable of peace without seeking God to help us?

God is a God of all comfort who comforts us. . . Isaiah said that God would keep the person in "perfect peace" who continually thinks upon Him. The Bible promises a "peace that passes all understanding."

How can we reconcile what God says to help ourselves to have His peace.

It's His peace that is authentic and purest in nature.

1. Prayer. We need to look to God as our source, shield, and salvation.

2. Confession. Is there something standing between us and God. Confess or tell it to God. Ask Him to remove the obstacles to knowing Him which is knowing peace!

3. Walking with God. When we keep our minds on God and His benefits, methods and Person, we can have confidence to know that our Creator who cares is right there with us~even when it's not fun!

4. Singing to Him. Praising God may seem silly, but what we listen to does affect our thinking. Is our music lifting the soul closer towards the Savior or sinking us down towards the pit? Music can help to heal, and the kinds of music is important.

5. Scripture. How well do we know His Words? Do we realize that He wrote them just for us? THINK: WHAT IF the Bible were to disappear from the earth today? In many countries it's illegal to own a Bible and Christians die to preserve their ability to have access to God's Word. How much more we should treasure the Word of God to give us His thoughts for and to us!

Peace that exceeds ALL understanding is possible only with God, our Lord and Savior!

In Peace,
Lady Graceful

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Our bodies ache; our hearts ache. Sometimes the pain is unbearable. Other times we are just fine and doing well, but it's the reality that in our lives the rain will come, the storm clouds of hurt that should turn our hearts wholly to God!

God is our refuge and strength. A help in the times of turmoil, trouble, distress and pain.

But what does this look like?

Is it a kind of stoicism where no flinch is noticed and no darkness known in the life of the believer? Some have said that the Christian life is only full of God's wonderful riches in Christ Jesus, and these don't include troubles . . . but don't they?

Is it strongly standing on the facts of God's promises when darkness hides the light of day? This is a closer reality to dealing in the pain of circumstances where we are not able to change our situations or someone has hurt us.

Our pain can be self induced or it can come from another source, but whichever, it's pain none the less.

God is present and knows our troubles, our distress.

I have found great comfort in knowing two things: He cares for me, and there's a reason for my suffering. He has said in I Peter 5:7 that I can give Him my burdens because He cares about me. I can depend on this~for Him to support me in my trial. My reason for troubles while seem self or other inflicted is actually to give God praise for His support in testimony to those who may be experiencing the same that I have gone through. My witness or what I've gone through can actually give God glory to one who may come after me in the same or similar circumstance. This is so deep really, and simple all at the same time!

When I am hurt, sad, lonely, distressed, lost, in pain~I can know He cares and there is purpose.

I can trust the ever TRUSTABLE GOD in my pain.

I am trusting now.
Lady Graceful

Friday, October 16, 2009

It's WHAT We Do on Sunday . . .

We live in such a busy world and the holidays will hold us captive from now until they arrive busling about trying to create for ourselves some kind of perfect "image" of happiness. Whew! This is profound, I think...but for someone who feels a bit overwhelmed, busyness can be a killer! Running here and there~this place~that activity, we go and go and go go go! No wonder stress is killing our bodies, minds, AND our spiritual life!

I wish I had a "plug nickle" for every time~EVERY TIME the church plans an activity or event or something that I have seen the "faithful few" trickle in . . . Of course you have the "dead-ringers: the pastor and his family and those who come, faithfully! Praise God for those who support their house of worship!!!!!

But more often than not, I get to hear all the reasons and busyness in people's lives~lives that have been taken over~Yeah, you've got Lady G right~TAKEN OVER with other things than a concern for His church, His body of believers, His mission . . .

"I have ___________, so we won't be there," is so common that it's no wonder that state of the church is in perile in America. Christians have found their way into this world to the neglect of God's business for activities and things of this world. Is it ALL wrong? Is busyness sin?

I consider these questions as one who is present and accounted for~leading the pack, if you will to "charge the gates of hell" with my Lord's arsenal, but find that some of my brothers and sisters do not realize just HOW important the church really is to the Christian walk. There are even some who have forsaken the body for a life of Christ-following beyond the doors of the "traditional" church . . . house churching which isn't bad, I don't believe as it's a New Testament model, but house churching isn't an issue that I'm discussing, but the neglect of God's house!

Neglect for the church and embracing the cares of this world are trends everywhere! We are admonished not to lay up our treasures in this world, not to become conformed to the image of this world, to be peculiar people. WHERE does this fit into the lifestyle that we have chosen as the American Christian church? I don't care what your denomination is or if you are nondemoninational~lifestyle cannont override our desire to please the Lord Jesus Christ! We must support what He finds pleasing.

When my daughter was younger, she wanted to do gymnastics and cheer. I am going to stomp some toes here, I am sure . . . perhaps I can do this tenderly by sharing our story and you can take from it what you will. When we found out that our child would be required to travel for Sunday and Wednesday meets, that was the end of that. As talented and athletic as she is, this was NOT the path for her . . . besides, when we could see that cheer in so many ways was "suggestive dance" we put a halt to this quick! Another example comes from our own family~yes, we are narrow in our lifestyle~ Praise God-YES!! FOR STRAIGHT IS THE GATE AND NARROW the WAY!!! Our daughter attends AWANA and has put her heart and mind into learning the Scripture. She actually has such a knowledge of the Bible that it's rather intimidating for me, her mother to teacher her sometimes . . . and she is old enough NOW to be a leader in training within the program. She is purely qualified. But! For her own spiritual development, we have with her desire, encouraged her to stay in her class~learning! LEARNING verses the fun, not that learning isn't fun, but learning instead of being out there~
I will say that her time for leading is here in other ways, but her desire to know the Word is preeminent! I am thankful for this, but it didn't all start when she was 14~oh no! It came in the years as a young child, and we dressed her modestly and taught her and led her in the way. I am amazed at Christian parents who allow their child to assimilate the world's values because "oh it's soooo cute!" Yeah, all puppies and kittens, babies are cute~even when they are biting and without training, but when these grow up~what a challenge to train and show the way!

Folks have taken the "it's what we do on Sunday" attitude with their church lives . . . "I'll be there as long as . . .(you name the activity or function) doesn't interfere as if church is a sideline prospect or proposition!!!!!!!!! Is it any wonder folks, that the church numbers are diminishing in our nation? WE ARE IN TROUBLE as a Christian people, and few seem to care! There's no repentence, no sorrow, no fear of God! WE MUST get back to the CALL of GOD to worship HIM in power and in truth!

I encourage you to consider your ways before the Lord. Don't listen to me, but consider your own relationship with God. Is your church life just something you do on Sunday? Is your relationship with the Lord one that will take a back seat for other things?

First it is paramount to confess our sins to God who is our judge, not me. The Lord knows your heart and mind. He is able to forgive.

One favorite passage of Scripture that holds such a promise,
If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. I Jn 1:9

We can count on His promises to restore us to God and His plan for our lives~and once we have moved in this direction, we should follow the Lord in concern for His people.

In His Grace,
Lady Graceful
John 17~Jesus' prayer in the Garden before His arrest. He was concerned for His followers-this is you and me!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


It's almost that time of year when we are SUPPOSED to be thankful...but I have preempted the holiday with a little thankfulness before it because of all of God's wonderful blessings. Don't get Lady G wrong, I have problems and struggles just like you do...I may even have one or two more...but sometimes when I need to refocus and adjust my 'eyesight' a little, OK..a lot! I need to focus on my blessings!

What about you? What are you thankful for in your everyday? Can you name a thing or person or two? Start up a Thankful Log to chronicle all the goodness of God whether it's from Him through the beauty of nature or someone who cared enough to... God's goodness is amazing, and it's all around us!

Yeah, I have some problems, and I know you do too, but we can both be thankful BEFORE we buy the turkey, cranberries and yams (if you don't know what these are...leave me the question...) and we can THANK GOD for everything He has, is and will do in our lives!

Happy Thanks GIVING~a head of the season!
Lady Graceful