I had a very unusual experience yesterday. I went to my doctor...actually to the nurse for some medical advice concerning healthy eating and ended up in the Emergency room...hooked to O2, IV inserted, 12-lead EKG...Let me explain...
I have an irregular heart rhythm...I take meds to control and care for me heart. I have no heart disease; they tell me...OK...So ALL seemed lost yesterday...in the blink of a moment HOW did I end up in the ER?
About three mos ago I hurt my left shoulder. It STILL hurts, and now since it hurts ALOT when I move it I mentioned it to the nurse...who took me into the doctor...who b/c of my potential risk and history sent me to the ER...
I really got upset. So upset that I cried and cried...it's not a fear of dying...it was that yesterday was the seventh anniversary of my brother's death, my only sibling...so I DID NOT want to put my parents and family through this on THAT day...dying isn't a choice I suppose...or even ER visits when your doctor is worried...OK...
So let me say that after the evaluation...the 5ALARM Fire Drill~Thank the Lord...It is 'just' my shoulder...as I suspected...and now my doctor is relieved..I will get an appointment to see an orthopod...but hey...as I lay there...O2 up my nose...
I was scared. I was anxious...THEY were giving me heart palpitations and a fast rate..the more the nurse and doctor came in...WHEW!...
I am praising GOD for His control when I cannot be...my experience reminds me of the TV show when the man who had faked illness was in the ER to get his heart shocked by the zealous ER team... but what if...AGAIN it's in His control...
Yeah..I'm glad it was my shoulder and not my heart...broken hearts are hard to fix~shoulders while painful...I can get by...
God is in control WHEN I am not! All might have seemed lost, but He was there with me...I can praise Him even when I am not in control...because HE ALWAYS IS!
In trust and faith
Lady Graceful
Phil 1:6
12 years ago
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